Project: Kwinana Power Station
Location: Kwinana, WA
Duration: 3 Years
In 2009 the expansion project of the Kwinana Power Station was announced by owners Verve Energy. An Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract was signed with United Group Limited (UGL) for the construction and installation of 2 High Energy Gas Turbines (HEGTs) designed by General Electric (GE). McDowall Affleck was engaged by both UGL and GE to be responsible for the inspection and registration of over 50 pressure vessels required for the 2 HEGTs.
The Mechanical Team, led by Mr Veale, reviewed documentation for the vessels and facilitated the submission of plant registration applications to Worksafe WA where the vessels were successfully registered. The inspection process was closely monitored and ably managed to ensure all vessels were signed off as safe and compliant to relevant codes.
The key aspect of this project was a tight timeframe. The Mechanical team was able to work with both clients to keep the timing of completion in line with the commissioning requirements of the overall project. A successful outcome has resulted in the Kwinana Power Station becoming home to WA’s most efficient generators that are expected to significantly reduce emissions and provide flexible base load power.